Privacy Update: Wij hebben onze Privacy Policy bijgewerkt!


Prins Autogassystemen B.V. believes the protection of personal data is essential. We therefore process your data with care. With this privacy statement we inform you about how we handle personal data.


Collection and use of personal data belonging to customers, suppliers and other contractors

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we will collect and use the personal data you provide to us because this is necessary to conclude with you and perform a possible agreement. This applies to both our (potential) customers and to parties from which we purchase goods and/or services.

If you are a (potential) customer of ours, we will use your data to be able to send you an offer, to be able to determine what specifications or wishes certain goods or services must satisfy, in order to be able to deliver goods or carry out the activities for you, in order to be able to invoice you and to be able to communicate with you quickly and efficiently concerning the implementation aspects of the agreement.

If you are a (potential) supplier or another contractor, your personal data are also required for concluding and performing the agreement. In case of purchasing, this is necessary in order to be able to inform you what specifications or wishes certain goods or services should satisfy in our opinion, to be able to send a request for an offer or to place an order with you, to be able to pay your invoices and to able to communicate with you quickly and efficiently concerning other aspects of the agreement.

You are not obliged to provide your personal data to us. If you do not provide personal data to us or provide us with insufficient personal data it may be the case that we will not be able to carry out the abovementioned activities.

Transfer to third parties
In connection with the performance of a possible agreement with you it may be necessary to provide your personal data to parties that supply parts, materials or products to us or who perform activities on our instructions. We furthermore make use of external server space for the storage of (parts of) our sales and purchasing records and our records of business relations. Your personal data are part of these records. Therefore your personal data are provided to the service space provider. As we make use of a newsletter mailing service, your personal data are finally transferred to the provider of this service.

Direct marketing to customers
If you place regular orders with us, we will store and use the personal data you have provided in order to be able to inform you personally by e-mail in the future of our existing and new products and services and possibly make you an offer in this connection. We have a legitimate interest in using your personal data for this purpose, namely selling our products and services. Every time we send you a marketing e-mail, you have the option of informing us that you no longer wish to receive such e-mails. See in this connection the opt-out link at the bottom of each mailing.
If you are a one-off client of ours we will only send you marketing e-mails if you have granted us your approval to do so in advance.

Retention period personal data belonging to customers, suppliers and other contractors
If you requested an offer from us, but you did not become a customer of ours, we will remove your data at most one year after our last contact. We will also remove your personal data at most one year after our last contact if we received an offer from you but we did not become your customer. If you did become our customer or we did become your customer, we will retain your personal data for a term of seven years after the end of the financial year in which the agreement with you was performed. The period of seven years corresponds to the period for which we are obliged to keep our records for the Tax and Customs Administration. We will remove your personal data after this period has ended.

Collection and use of personal data belonging to business clients (other than customers, suppliers and other contractors)

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we will collect and use the personal data you provide to us because you have consented thereto or because this is necessary in order to look after our legitimate interests. We process the following data: name, address and contact details.

If you are a business relation of ours, we will use your data to be able to contact you for purposes that are in the interest of our business. This includes for example discussion of a possible collaboration, providing and obtaining information and maintenance of our network.

You are not obliged to provide your personal data to us. If you do not provide personal data to us or provide us with insufficient personal data it may be the case that we will not be able to carry out the abovementioned activities.

Cookies when visiting our websites
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer, tablet or smartphone during the visit to our websites. Information is stored in these text files, that is later recognised again by the website during a subsequent visit.

Our website uses Analytical cookies that allow us to see what pages are visited and what sections of our website receive clicks. We use Google Analytics for this purpose. The information collected by Google in this way is anonymised.

Service providers and partners

We use a number of service providers to help us operate the websites and provide high quality user experience to our visitors.

Your rights
You have the right to request to inspect your own personal data. If there is reason to do so, you may also request us to supplement your personal data or to correct inaccuracies. You also have the right to request that your personal data be deleted. In order to be able to exercise your rights, you can apply to: (Prins Autogassystemen B.V. t.a.v. DPO, Jan Hilgersweg 22, 5657ES Eindhoven, tel. +31 (0)40-2547700, email: Naturally you can contact us if you have questions or require further data concerning the collection and use of your personal data.

Eindhoven, May 22, 2018